5 Things That the Best Law Websites Have in Common

As a lawyer, in a world gone digital, your potential reach is truly greater than you can ever imagine. After years in law school and building your career, a good website is a must to reach the next level. In order to set you up for success, we have compiled the characteristics that make the best law websites.

But first, let’s go over the desired results of a well-thought-out page. The best law websites will:

  • Reach potential clients
  • Improve your credibility
  • Interact with customers
  • Build your brand

Even when you come in recommended, people will go online to make sure that what you are doing aligns with their needs. Therefore, a good website is essential to build and maintain a soaring career. Ready to rule the Internet? We have put together a definite list of elements that make the best law websites to take you to the next website level.

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The Criteria Behind the Best Law Websites

As mentioned above, a great website is one that reaches potential clients, improves credibility, etc. With that in mind, the criteria used to identify the best law websites according to different compilers are the following:

  • Branding. How well does the website convey the distinctive features of the law firm?
  • UX/UI. Is the website easy to navigate? Do customers find value from the website? Are the design elements effective and in line with the overall identity of the firm?
  • SEO performance. Is the website easy to find on Google? Is it ranking at the top of the organic results?

The best law websites’ answer to all these questions is “yes.”  Without further ado, let’s take a look at what makes them great.

Their Common Features

After comparing the best-ranking legal websites, here is what we found that they have in common:

  1. Eye-catching design
  2. They tell a story
  3. Clear CTAs
  4. Clear information
  5. A personal touch

1. Eye-Catching Design

The best law websites have imagery that transports the customer into the world of the firm and instantly conveys what they are about. A dynamic design that is easy to navigate and takes the users’ journey into consideration is already a winner.

However, when building a website, it is important to make it accessible. Not everybody can see the images, so write alternative texts for them so that you can reach everybody.

In addition, mobile devices account for 63% of organic search engine visits, on that account, the best law websites are mobile-friendly.

2. They Tell a Story

When the images, the colors, the shapes, and the words come together cohesively, a story comes to life. People are stories and adore stories. When law firms tell their story, they are forming meaningful connections with the audience. Storytelling humanizes your brand, attracts an audience that aligns with your journey, and in doing so, builds a community.

Hence, remember: the photos, videos, colors, typography, and shapes you use are all elements of storytelling. Harness the power of visual storytelling to boost your uniqueness and support your story.

This said, it is easier said than done. Designing one’s own storytelling can be an extremely difficult task. Because of this, we recommend teaming up with branding and marketing experts whose outside view can greatly help the process.

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3. Clear CTAs

Calls to action are highly customizable and accompany the overall story. However, one thing is clear: the best law websites never miss an opportunity to call to action and they do so in a clear way.

Prospective customers, returning clients, providers, and promoters are visiting your site, so you’ll need different types of CTAs to lead them where you want them to go.

Without CTAs, potential clients may find it difficult to connect with your firm. In view of growing your audience and building a community, clear CTAs make this possible.

4. Clear Information

Clarity is not just a trendy phrase going around. It is the basis of human connection. The power of clarity is not just formulating the message so as to make it clear. Clarity in this case equals transparency. The best law websites propose a communication with their visitors that makes it clear what they do, who they serve, and what their values are. Clarity is conveyed through all the elements on the site and helps visitors connect with you better. Remember: sometimes, less is more.

5. The Best Law Websites Have A Personal Touch

Finally, as shown throughout this article, the best law websites highlight the uniqueness of the firm or lawyer. When thinking up the website, it must connect with all aspects of the firm and be cohesive with the other ways of communication. Does the firm have a social media profile? Is it on LinkedIn? The personality, the distinctive feature of the firm must be consistent across every platform and the website is at the core. This personal touch will be the thread that connects every message, and every picture; it is what underpins every decision regarding the website as the ultimate means of communication with the clients.

📢 Related content: Seo for Lawyers: The Be-All and End-All

Empower Your Firm with the Best Law Websites

At Alpha Co. Marketing & Media we are experts when it comes to legal marketing strategies and branding. We work alongside lawyers and firms to showcase their strengths and uniqueness and position themselves in the market. Alpha Co. understands that the most successful attorneys are not only those with the skills and qualifications but also the right branding and website that can propel their business.
From envisioning the story, down to the last button on the site, Alpha has built and continues to build the best law websites. What’s more, our team of world-class, bilingual writers helps our clients produce content that reflects and promotes their mission, saving them time and growing their reach.

With our extensive background in legal marketing, we are your go-to partner and look forward to helping you grow your practice.

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