Hispanic Advertising and Marketing

What is Hispanic Advertising?

Billboards, newspaper columns, flashy business cards, and those 10-second “Influencer” ads on YouTube are some examples of advertising. Advertising comes in various forms, from guerilla marketing to snappy quips on billboards, but not all advertising connects with its audiences immediately. So, what is Hispanic advertising, what makes advertising effective, and how does it affect the Hispanic market?

Advertising is essentially promoting information to the audience to induce cognitive arousal or response in the consumers, leading to purchasing of goods and/or services. To keep it short, we’ll focus on the three fundamentals of advertising, which include Cognitive Purpose, Affective Purpose, and Conative Purpose. We’ll be pairing each purpose with Hispanic and/or Latin influences.


Cognitive Purpose 

The Cognitive Purpose’s goal is to secure customers’ being aware of the brand, good, and/or service provided. For this example, we’ll use Taco Bell. Sure, the founder may not have Latin roots, but he was able to provide society with much of the Latin-influenced fast-food chain we love and enjoy, today. At Taco Bell they provide consumers with 3 different factors that affect our senses, which include sight, sound, and smell.

During Taco Bell’s commercials, one might have noticed all three of these in play. When their commercials end, they always end them with a sound of a bell or their distinctive brand jingle. Their logo may or may not always be present during the bell ring, but their logo is always present in some form, whether it’s on the wrappers, the team member’s clothing, or even the building itself.

You might ask, “Ok. Understandably, noise and sounds can be affected by commercials, but what about smells? How can I smell something through a screen?” Well, you don’t. Instead, the people in the commercials are the ones who are smelling the food, which you see, and end up sympathetically visualizing in your head. This is reinforced, when visiting Taco Bell and seeing the large logo, hearing the bell jingle, and smelling the food.


Affective Purpose 

Following that purpose is the Affective Purpose. This purpose is to create a link with the customers, resulting in persuading them to appreciate the brand and prefer it. A great example of this is Dos Equis, whose mottos include “Stay Thirsty, My Friends.” and “I don’t always drink beer, but when I do, it’s Dos Equis”. These are both great slogans, as it relates to those appreciating beer and allowing the brand in persuading their customers to prefer it.

Let’s be honest, everyone appreciates a crisp, frosty, and refreshing glass of beer. This is where the first slogan is genius, as it relates to most demographics in enjoying a product, and if people were to enjoy a product, why not Dos Equis? This concise phrasing directly affects most individuals who drink beer and most likely they’ll associate their thirst with Dos Equis.

This is reinforced with the second slogan, as it’s more direct with their branding, where the spokesperson bluntly shares that he doesn’t always drink beer, but when he does, it’s Dos Equis. In this slogan, he shares that he doesn’t drink beer often, signifying that he’s not a casual alcoholic drinker. So, when he mentions that when he does drink beer and that it’s Dos Equis, this relays the message that this brand is high-quality. If it weren’t apparent, Alpha Co. Media and Marketing is also a high-quality marketing team that can help elevate your business. Book us, today!


Conative Purpose

Lastly, we have the Conative Purpose. This purpose involves the decision-making process of the consumer. Here we’ll focus on Coca-Cola. I know, what you’re thinking. “Coca-Cola isn’t a Hispanic brand!” While the origins of this may be true, Coca-Cola has influenced many Latin/Hispanic demographics, even having a different version/recipe of the original Coca-Cola brand in Mexico. In Mexico, the original Coca-Cola has been argued to be more refreshing, as the recipe uses pure cane sugar, as opposed to the American version that uses fructose corn syrup.

Different consumers prefer different tastes. So, why does everyone prefer Coca-Cola vs other sodas? One of Coca-Cola’s biggest competitors is Pepsi, which can be argued as a similar yet different version of Coca-Cola. One ingredient that distinct Pepsi from Coca-Cola is the added lemon-zesty taste. Again, different consumers prefer different tastes.

Both brands established themselves by implementing the previous two purposes, which leads to the Conative Purpose. During this process, let’s assume a consumer has enough money for only one soda, which he decides among American Coca-Cola, Mexican Coca-Cola, or Pepsi. Unlike the other two purposes, where the brand signifies and persuades, this purpose is mainly up to the consumer. However, brands can still influence consumers, during this process as well. This is where the emotional aspect rides in.

If the previous two purposes have been implemented well, then this should provide the consumer with an edge on which branding to pick. Just like how booking Alpha Co. Media and Marketing can give your business an edge!

The Best Hispanic Advertising Agency

Throughout this journey, we can see that there’s much that influences advertising and marketing, especially in the Hispanic market. Here are Alpha Co. Media and Marketing, we’ll do our best to share our expertise to create your future influencing touches. Whether it’s like Dos Equis’s “Stay Thirsty, My Friends” or Taco Bell’s bell jingle, we’ll help you and your business find the right footing on these paths. What are you waiting for? Schedule a visit with us, today!

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