Hispanic Population in Houston, Texas

You’re targeting the Hispanic Population in Houston and you need to know their demographics? We have some data here to help you out!

Always feel free to contact us for a free consultation with a Hispanic Marketing Expert.

If you look at Texas in its entirety, there are 11.5 Million Hispanics/Latinos according to the Houston State of Health which is 39.6% of the population. Within Harris County, however, it’s slightly different with 2 million Hispanic/Latinos, or 43% of the population. This data, however, doesn’t tell the entire story, reports show that Hispanic growth has been steadily increasing since 2010.

In 2010, Hispanics made up 37.5% of the habitants in Texas, but by 2019, this percentage had risen to 39.8%.

This data highlights the importance of targeting the Hispanic population in Houston. Knowing their demographics and understanding their behavior is crucial to reaching them effectively with your marketing message. It’s important to note that Hispanic/Latinos are not a homogenous group, and it’s important to consider cultural differences and sub-groups when creating your marketing strategy.

In conclusion, targeting the Hispanic population in Houston is a smart business decision. With a growing and young population, significant purchasing power, and a preference for the Spanish language, it’s important to consider their demographics and culture in your marketing strategy. 

Alpha Co. Marketing & Media is the best bilingual digital marketing agency in Houston, Texas! We provide services targeting the Hispanic market like Spanish SEO, website translations, and pay-per-click campaigns in Spanish. Contact us today and take your business to the next level! 

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