How can Social Media Affect the Buying Choices of Businesses and Brands?

In our ever-evolving and expanding society, there seems to be the notion that social media is one of the better tools aiding in marketing. With social media, the creation of “influencers” and new lifestyle leaders have been emerging, as well. So, which social media platforms would aid businesses best, how would the Latin demographic benefit from this, and how can Alpha Co. Media and Marketing help you in these regards?

Platforms: Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter

The business that would benefit: startups, multi corps, franchises

Latina demographic: using the platforms to their advantage. Use examples

Introduction to Social Media

It could be argued that social media has replaced many of the ways we used to proceed in social interactions, evolving into a virtual world for human interactions. This has allowed for quicker transactions for people to engage in. As that’s the case, there’s the notion that there are new and upstanding services/platforms that would outperform or shadow the previous styles.

For example, before Facebook reigned as king of personal connection throughout the world, Myspace held that title. Yet, Facebook allowed for more than simple human connections and utilized various aspects that eventually branched out to the different ideas many of us use daily. These include the major central hubs for social media interactions which include the following few: Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. Though each one serves to strive with a similar goal, to connect people through the internet, their values differ.

How Instagram can impact your business

Instagram was created as a photo-blogging application that would allow various people to share their journaled photographed experiences. However, the platform still serves that purpose but has evolved into much more than just photojournalism. An idea branched off of Facebook, people found creative ways to utilize the application and now it’s revered as a marketing/advertising tool, as millions of people are now promoting their businesses, activities, and sponsors, especially for the Hispanic demographic.

Celebrity’s Success Story on Social Media

David Lopez is a fantastic example of this. Lopez is a comedian who began his journey through the former app Vine. Vine was an app that would allow users to create self-recorded snippets, which Lopez quickly took advantage of. Once Vine retired, Lopez migrated to applications like Instagram and YouTube, which provided ample opportunities to further grow as a comedian. He now promotes his comedic skits daily and even had the opportunity to work on tv shows like Disney’s “Talk The Prank”. Lopez presents the opportunities that exist within these platforms if utilized correctly.

Skyrocket your Small Business

Here at Alpha Co. Media and Marketing, we focus on optimizing the most available marketing properly, so that you can have peace of mind and don’t require additional help. From startups and smaller businesses like Bini’s Restaurant to major corporations like Pepsi, we aim to help you reach your goals through SEO, targeted digital marketing, strategic website optimizations, and more.

Another example that would help promote Latin businesses, by utilizing Instagram is restaurants. En Mi Cocina Hoy is a food blog and culinary business that shares deliciously quick experiences of Chile for users to enjoy. If one were to head over to their Instagram page, one would notice a picture of a dish that they featured with a caption that briefly explains what it is and why they’re presenting it. This quick-bite information allows users to better digest the information and strongly engage with the presented content. This could be associated with Tv/video advertisements.

How to Approach Twitter for Social Media Marketing

Twitter is another prominent social media application that has been highly revered internationally. Twitter’s approach differs from Instagram, as it allows users to promote and share their thoughts through a short notation of words, instead of focusing on pictures/videos and optional captions. This app also allows users to quickly digest information and engage better.

Another idea branched from Facebook is, Latin users have found plenty of success in utilizing this platform. When hearing the words “Jessica Alba”, one might quickly note her being an actress and celebrity. But, did you know that she also has built her own business? It could be argued that her celebrity status and notoriety may have aided in her business’ success, but that isn’t necessarily always true. Even celebrity-owned businesses require frequent marketing maintenance. This is where Twitter comes in.

Jessica’s Alba Great Achievement

Jessica Alba’s business “The Honest Company” is discussed daily, several times a day, as Alba “tweets” (the action of posting something on Twitter) about it and anything related to it. Tweeting allows for quick thoughts to be translated into texts that are available for everyone to read. This action has been constructed to be as easy as possible so that even children can simply understand and use the platform. This ease of accessibility allows users and business owners alike to focus on direct marketing tactics multiple times a day.

Another example is James Wagner, who is a sports writer for The Washington Post. Contrary to his surname/family name, James is half Nicaraguan. By utilizing Twitter, he can better advertise his articles, allowing more users to read his work, thus increasing business for The Washington Post. One could view this to be similar to an updated version of newspaper advertising, just as Alpha Co. Media and Marketing are viewed as a digital marketing group. Book us, today!

Differnece of Snapchat

Unlike the other two platforms, Snapchat seems to be an outlier that deviates from the Facebook chain of communications and ideas. Snapchat focuses on short videos, chats, and brief pictures from various perspectives. These perspectives allow users to see different “stories” (a set of a respective user’s media on Snapchat), which has also evolved into the utilization for business use.

One of the more internationally popular brands, Taco Bell, was quick to delve into this platform. Though the lifespan of videos and pictures is seconds brief, Taco Bell took advantage of this by featuring advertisements and product placement. Though the advertisement spaces average between 2 to 5 seconds, by frequently showing the same products and deals, users are quickly psychologically influenced. In fact, according to a statistic, Latin users are one of the top demographics who frequently use Snapchat, with Mexican users having around 18 out of 20 million recorded users. (

Book Alpha Co. Media and Marketing for better statistical utilization, today!

Why Hire a Bilingual Marketing Agency

These are only a few of the social media platforms that have been utilized for marketing. It wouldn’t be surprising to see these and newer platforms evolve further with newer ideas and generations. New ideas require transitions, which can be difficult, but that’s where Alpha Co. Media and Marketing steps in. With over 20 years of marketing experience and digital marketing, we have experienced and understood what’s required for smooth growth and transitions.

As we have roots in the Latin demographic, we appreciate Hispanic start-ups, restaurants, and entrepreneurship. We’re not indifferent in utilizing various strategies to present the best results for you and your business. With SEO, we make sure that your business is presented clearly in the search results, with social media, we promote your business in that would best aid your growth, with our blogs you will notice the in-depth quality shared for your business, and much more.

Alpha Co. is the Best Option!

These are a few of the strengths we can present at Alpha Co. Media and Marketing. If you have been struggling to grow, feel free to reach out to us today, and we can start helping you reach your potential goals.

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