How Does Advertising Impact Consumer Behavior?

We’ve all been guilty of purchasing a product and/or service, after either watching, hearing, or even smelling about it. Usually, these are not accidental results, but more directed caused by advertising. How are they utilized by the Latin community and how can Alpha Co. Media and Marketing help you use this technique to benefit your business?

There are plenty of strategies for directive marketing, but we’ll focus on a few. Whether you’re watching your favorite telenovelas, listening to your favorite Latin cultural podcast, or smelling the delicious “birria” brewing at your local taqueria, you’re being subjected to a form of advertising.


The use of Senses in Advertising

We Buy Things with our Eyes

Recall watching your favorite tv series or movie, and try remembering if a specific brand was mentioned. Heard of the movie “How To Be A Latin Lover?” If there were a film with Latin influences that shared plenty of product placement, it would be this one. In this Latin comedy, popular brands like Nike, Versace, and Minute-Maid juice all make prominent appearances, subtly influencing you to use their products. The way these items are presented is subtle, yet clear. Let’s take Nike, in this example. Throughout the film, actors are wearing Nike products from shirts to glasses. By having the items be blended into the film organically, it allows for seamless transitions and subtle influences embedded into the viewer.


What we Inadvertently Hear Often Remains Ingrained in Our Minds

Another clear form of advertisement influenced by our natural five senses is sound. In our current society, listening as a form of entertainment is still a major part of our lives, but instead of focusing on listening to the radio, we are now focused on listening to podcasts, allowing for capable advertisements. Latino Rebels is a good example. Growing in popularity in the past several years, Latino Rebels focus on the real controversial and disparaging aspects of our society, with comedic twists. They understand that it’s not always easy, or engaging to listen to heavy topics, so they present their own reports on these stories with some comedy.

By allowing important stories to be more accessible, more people become engaged. This is where product placements and sponsorships drop in. When it comes to podcasts, much of their financial support derives from sponsorships from other product brands. Especially with more widely known podcasts, brands would sponsor the group, which the host(s) would share during some point of the discussion. This is similar to a radio advertisement but is more target focused on certain brands. This does not distance themselves from public relations, where hosts would mention certain products or brands in passing, during a conversation.

When it comes to public relations, someone on the podcast could be discussing a certain topic and mention a favorite related product. For example, if the podcast was discussing soap, they could mention their favorite soap brand, like Old Spice. Similar to how we could mention that you should book Alpha Co. Media and Marketing to reach your business goals!


How Does Smelling Affect Us?

Seeing and hearing is great, but what about the smell? How does smelling a product help advertise your business? Food is an essential part of any living being’s life, whether you’re a focused minimalist or a cultured foodie. Every day, as we travel by foot, car, bike, or any other means of transportation, we are likely to pass a food establishment. Many times, we will smell the foods being prepared. This is more apparent during festivals and near food stalls, where the preparation of foods is closer and more naked to the passersby. For example in countries like Mexico and Italy, hawkers and food stalls are highly common.

You can expect at least a few around every corner you turn to. With such commonality, you can expect to smell the delicious meats, veggies, and stews being constructed. How about in cities? Ever pass places like Chipotle or Taco Bell and smell those barbecued meats and burritos? These are forms of subtle advertisement, though not always intentional. However, allowing passersby to smell what your establishment is cooking allows for further intrigue and a preview of what they could enjoy, growing your business. 

The Best Bilingual Marketing Agency for Advertising

Alpha Co. Media and Marketing are not strangers to the myriad of marketing opportunities presented in our quickly evolving society. As shown previously, we understand the various strengths in product placement, subtle senses-related marketing, and direct demographic target marketing. This is simply a sample of what and how we can aid in your business’ growth. From the utilization of SEO, website formation, blog writing, social media marketing, and more, we aim to relieve you of any worries and be your go-to marketing team. We understand starting anything new can be scary, but if you book with Alpha Co. Media and Marketing today, you’ll be treated like family!

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