Social Media in Hispanic Marketing

In today’s society, many of our futures are governed by a simple click. This click refers to the computer mouse hitting the “like” button on a media clip, a thumb tapping on the “send” button for a “tweet”, or other similar communication mechanics, in our expanding world of social media. With better content and media garnering more clicks, it’s easy for one to assume that exceptional content is the main driver of success. However, it’s merely one of the stratagems in the cavalcade of Hispanic marketing strategies that aid brands, businesses, non-profits, and others alike to grow.


How Can This Aid in Strengthening and Expanding the Hispanic Demographic/Market?

Social media has grown into an internationally reaching entity, allowing for individuals to connect, throughout the world in any language. As one of the larger and rapidly growing demographics, the Hispanic market has been presented with more opportunities compared to before the rise of social media. With a basic understanding of the functionalities of social media, Latin individuals can share their innovations, businesses, and cultures, with others, millions of miles away without having to leave their homes.


Example of Successful Social Media in Hispanic Marketing

Take international super-chef, Enrique Olvera. Hailing from his home country of Mexico, Chef Enrique shares his love of Mexico with native cultural cuisine, which turned extravagant. Many of his dishes are commonly found in the hungry streets of Mexico, but what charms those who taste his renditions is the harmony in simplicity and details behind them.

His award-winning Mole Madre or “living mole” is a great example. Mole is a simple sauce blended with dark chocolate, chiles, broth, tomatoes, herbs, and optional additional ingredients often paired with tortillas or chips. Chef Enrique adds special components like red wine to the mix, but his best ingredient is patience. One of the factors that allow Mole Madre to stand out from other Moles is the fermentation process. His Mole Madre is over a thousand days old and is presented as a main attraction, rather than complimenting another. Unlike normal Mole, which is dark and earthy, Mole Madre rather shares a taste of the earth and the jungle, with hints of fruity notes and spices bursting with every bite.

It’s true. As exceptional as a chef, Chef Enrique might be, his success would not have been noticed by as many people today without the opportunities of social media. With social media, those fortunate to try culinary innovations by Chef Enrique would share their novel experiences with others, creating more clients for the humble chef, via various social media platforms.


Why Hire a Hispanic Marketing Agency?

Here at Alpha Co. Media and Marketing, our goal is to help expedite similar results for your business and/or endeavors; culinary genius or not. We understand that not everyone is a master chef or a genius entrepreneur, but you don’t have to be. Working with us, we’ll share our expertise in how to reach your potential clients and help them understand why your business and/or service is worth investing in.

We understand that trying anything new can be daunting, but partner with us today, and our expertise will ease your anxiety. Whether you’re a new start-up green to the market or a seasoned owner looking for an edge on the competition, let’s weather this journey together, as both you and your business will appreciate it.

Contact us to learn how we can better improve you and your business, today.

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