Using Emotional Marketing to Win Customers

What is Emotional Marketing?

Emotional marketing refers to all the marketing efforts that rely on generating emotions that will influence customers’ decisions. Often they appeal to a single emotion like happiness, fear, anger, or joy. That is enough to influence decision-making or to urge action. The ultimate goal is to form an emotional bond between the customer and your brand.

Why is So Effective?

Humans, even reasonable ones, are driven by their emotions. It’s in our nature to have feelings and experience emotions. It has been established that the emotional part of the brain processes sensory information in one-fifth of the time our cognitive brain takes to process the same input.

Emotional Marketing and Brand Association

It is essential to have if you want to have a successful product. Research shows that we rely more on emotions to make decisions than on information. We are willing to pay more for brand-name products, even though the quality is often the same. This preference is a result of positive brand association and emotional marketing. The key here is to create an emotional appeal that lasts in the consumer’s memory.

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If you want to know more about it, do not miss the chance to read this article!

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